well!, I discuss stuff from my life progress in my field and talk about concept art, games, game design and animation.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tmrw's plan unwrapping and? adventure time?
so! tomorrow I will do the unwrapping for shocker and also texturing * fingers crossed * and also I want to work on adventure time fan art that I just sketched, i never liked this cartoon but since the kids in here keep watching it and you just start to accept the idea of it, 1st i watched it it made me think it encourage stupidity but than realized it actually encourage friendship and helping others which is good, so I kiiiiind of like it now yeah :)
here are the sketches that I did
here are the sketches that I did
good morning, good after noon, good evening and good night :)
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Resident evil 6
I just played RE6 for a bit and.....................WHAT IN THE NAME OF FUCK! IS! THIS! I was bored out of my mind! seriously! IGN said it and game pro as well! a Movie fucking wanna be! you know what you play a game but its not a game? you feel this frustration that you want to do something but you can't and you only have to mash buttons to advance to a new cut scene, it reminded me in the old 3DO games that I used to play where there is a video and you have to react to what button shows on the screen for you to press to advance in the game! thats how sad your game are and you filled it with that trash! =_=
Just imagine am playing it! and my mind was somewhere else thinking! =_= when does that happen in RE?! duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes! CRAPCOM! you have gone too far with this! FIX THE FUCKING GAME! STOP TRYING TO BE WHAT YOU ARE NOT!.
WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR NEXT RE TITLE! LOOK AT THE OLD ONES! RE1 remake, ZERO and Code Veronica! and specially RE2!!!!
Just imagine am playing it! and my mind was somewhere else thinking! =_= when does that happen in RE?! duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes! CRAPCOM! you have gone too far with this! FIX THE FUCKING GAME! STOP TRYING TO BE WHAT YOU ARE NOT!.
WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR NEXT RE TITLE! LOOK AT THE OLD ONES! RE1 remake, ZERO and Code Veronica! and specially RE2!!!!
Shocker lowpoly model
alright! I have been doing some work that I can't post on the blog here recently but this morning I had some time to do some 3D work for an old concept piece of mine, I came across the modelsheet in my old files and said hi! why not do the 3D! so here it is low poly, still have to unwrap and texture next than rig it :) all in the sweet blender!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
well if you are a regular visitor to my blog you might have came across me talking how bad RE ORC and how awful it was and if you are not and didn't you can visit this link http://zaidmjraven.blogspot.com/2013/12/resident-evil.html , but still gave it another shot now, it seems that Capcom has released a patch maybe? all the issues that I talked about before are gone? O_O yup the game is now way better than when I 1st played it in the release date and it is cool now I kind of like it, but there is something funny where you have this glitch when u change weapon near a wall and the weapon will keep rotating in front of you and the character keep on trying to pick the weapon :D.
anyway, if you didn't play it before you should play it and if you played it hated it and storm uninstall it like me try it out now.
Merry Christmas and advance happy new year! :)
anyway, if you didn't play it before you should play it and if you played it hated it and storm uninstall it like me try it out now.
Merry Christmas and advance happy new year! :)
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Vilppu is awesome
This man is a God among men when it comes to human drawing structure! one hour of his lesson improved my drawing ability drastically! O_O I mean I used to draw faces and portraits but realistic portraits I struggle a lot with it I have to redo and redo and also cartoony faces not much spark into it but now! ouh boy! am much faster and more settle when it comes to faces.
so of the sketches I did after the lecture
so of the sketches I did after the lecture
OMG! I just drew from a reference and it didn't take me long just few mins! O_O I know it is not matching much but WTF! and OMG! God bless you Vilppu! God Bless you sir!
Update 2 :
Over damn night...such progress...I don't know what to feel, happy? cause I have progressed drastically over night? or sad and frustrated for the money and time I spent in my idiotic college and learned nothing from those ignorant people.
Each took around 5 to 10 mins
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Yaiba : Ninja Gaiden Z
here is the trailer and you be the judge of it :D
It has been a while since we have seen a guy with really really bad attitude in a game and this guy makes it all, make you know why Ryu killed his sorry ass, he sound like Deadpool with seriously attitude issues LOL!
the visuals are stunning! and the style just drags you in, but not many people like his attitude, I guess that is the point of it? :D
anyway for me am looking foreword for this game and I want to have my hands on it, it is very rare to find a stylized game with such cool looking visuals and that much gore in THAT QUALITY! :D am getting this for the visuals and its a ninja game and also just to see RYU kill my sorry ass in the end of the game :D it has to be done that way ! :D that guy can't live! am 100% sure the ending will be the player getting killed! :D it has to be! lol!
lets wait and see then we will find out! :D
here is the trailer and you be the judge of it :D
It has been a while since we have seen a guy with really really bad attitude in a game and this guy makes it all, make you know why Ryu killed his sorry ass, he sound like Deadpool with seriously attitude issues LOL!
the visuals are stunning! and the style just drags you in, but not many people like his attitude, I guess that is the point of it? :D
anyway for me am looking foreword for this game and I want to have my hands on it, it is very rare to find a stylized game with such cool looking visuals and that much gore in THAT QUALITY! :D am getting this for the visuals and its a ninja game and also just to see RYU kill my sorry ass in the end of the game :D it has to be done that way ! :D that guy can't live! am 100% sure the ending will be the player getting killed! :D it has to be! lol!
lets wait and see then we will find out! :D
A Message to Capcom and Resident Evil Development Team
Resident Evil as we all know it has a special place in out heart, ( old gamers and new gamers as well ) the problem you are facing with this amazing Title you created is that it lost its flair! the shine that it has, you already had a successful formula of game play that gamers were not bored of *at least I know I didn't and most of my RE play mates* but you threw this formula right out of the window for the sake of casual gamers and created a horrifying nightmare as we know RE now, the game had something special ( very cool story, puzzles solving, surviving and thinking your way through not shooting your way through, Fear element which was offered by the calm environment and the settle music ) that was resident evil, we never played it to shot monsters ( well we did a bit ) but mostly it was about that intensity and feel of desperation when you get stuck in a puzzle, healthless and ammoless and every slow walking sucker is coming to get you, and for the love of GOD! where are the Lickers! where are the Hunters! what happened to those most Iconic monster in the series! they were simply replaced by those parasite meh monsters...
you want to make Resident Evil shine again? Go Code Veronica! one of the best titles in the series of course after RE2, Code Veronica was crazy long and lots of places yet familiar aspects, Big mansion to explore for the sake of getting out and than when you thought your out you are into a worse place than the mansion, it was beautifully done, and my God! the puzzles! I remember one puzzles made me sit on the sidewalk at 12 Midnight crying for not being able to know where to go ( I was 14 and never had internet at that time as well ) that was a RE it was epic cool! and also do the different scenarios like in RE2 that was beautiful! yes its the same place but different way to play things and as well as new areas were open to exploration.
in Revelations you have done well! apart from few things like some characters in the game that their design made no sense what so ever and that sense with chris falling off the cliff and he sit there fighting the wolves saying he can't stand back up and when Jessica reaches him she just gives him a hand? =_= that was an ultimate WTF moment, please watch out for the writing, RE is an amazing titles, do not kill it!!!!!
Make a poll see if people agree with my opinion, if they see that what am saying is right or just random bleh!.
and DO NOT REBOOT!!!!!....you can Remake with High Def and extra stuff like when you have Done RE1 Remake for game cube, you can do for RE2, RE3 and even Code Veronica but please please again! RE is not about bang bang bang, RE is survival and problem solving that was its Flair.
Thank you very much
Zaid Mohammed Jawad
Die Hard Fan of RE
Update : read all the comments here...http://n4g.com/news/1413850/resident-evil-7-voice-your-opinion and I rest my case
you want to make Resident Evil shine again? Go Code Veronica! one of the best titles in the series of course after RE2, Code Veronica was crazy long and lots of places yet familiar aspects, Big mansion to explore for the sake of getting out and than when you thought your out you are into a worse place than the mansion, it was beautifully done, and my God! the puzzles! I remember one puzzles made me sit on the sidewalk at 12 Midnight crying for not being able to know where to go ( I was 14 and never had internet at that time as well ) that was a RE it was epic cool! and also do the different scenarios like in RE2 that was beautiful! yes its the same place but different way to play things and as well as new areas were open to exploration.
in Revelations you have done well! apart from few things like some characters in the game that their design made no sense what so ever and that sense with chris falling off the cliff and he sit there fighting the wolves saying he can't stand back up and when Jessica reaches him she just gives him a hand? =_= that was an ultimate WTF moment, please watch out for the writing, RE is an amazing titles, do not kill it!!!!!
Make a poll see if people agree with my opinion, if they see that what am saying is right or just random bleh!.
and DO NOT REBOOT!!!!!....you can Remake with High Def and extra stuff like when you have Done RE1 Remake for game cube, you can do for RE2, RE3 and even Code Veronica but please please again! RE is not about bang bang bang, RE is survival and problem solving that was its Flair.
Thank you very much
Zaid Mohammed Jawad
Die Hard Fan of RE
Update : read all the comments here...http://n4g.com/news/1413850/resident-evil-7-voice-your-opinion and I rest my case
Monday, December 16, 2013
new sketches
new era of drawing is coming for me, thanks a lot to my friend Renita Orellana for her awesome advice, *don't force your self to draw what you are not*
check out her gallery as well, she is awesome
more portraits
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Resident Evil
well yesterday I decided that I need a break from the world and from real life and dive into the world where I have no worries ( Video games ) but yes I had to choose a universe to dive into....So I picked Resident Evil 2.
Started playing it with Leon and it all started to come back to me, the memories when I was 13 years old and my achievement was to finish the game and after I noticed I finished the game without using a 1st aid bottle and no save games and! under 2 hours and 30 min I decided hi what the hell! lets do the marathon to unlock everything, so today I was able to unlock the ex battle, 4th survivor and lots of weapon and also planing to get the key from Brad to unlock the extra customs.
After Unlocking the 4th survivor and playing with the awesome Hunk it seems that the Security Service Agent of Umbrella and I just want more, it brought me to the sad choice which is wanting to play Operation Raccoon City, I hate that game and if you played it you would know and if you didn't here is why:
Amazing concept designs Lovely idea and poorly poorly executed to a sad level that you can't believe that capcom would do that bad.
now you will say why are you judging it ( if you didnt notice that is or your didnt come across it )
here are my reasons:
1- poor texturing : normal maps are not done well that it kind of looks ugly
2- Animation the characters animation comparing to previous RE and modern games ( horrible )
3- Rigging : yes! I noticed that, the character Rig is so bad that made amateur riggers look good, specially the shoulder area of the character.
4- game play logic : well you have a zombie game and your mission is to go through hoards of zombies and you pick a sniper as your weapon of choice but guess what....no Head shot was coded into the game.
=_= a GAME has ZOMBIES and your mission is to DESTROY ZOMBIES! you have NO head shot? that was one of the Major WTF moment in that game that I just exited the game and uninstall it instantly from my PC.
But sadly now i wanna play with Hunk that awesome character and also the team that he is leading in Operation Raccoon City and also this character that I really like Victor, really bad ass ninja looks on him, I won't be expecting much from it I will just play it and see, but that of course after I finished RE 2 for the 4th time to unlock Tofu :D he is so damn cute! :D
Resident Evil has a special place in my heart when it comes to gaming since it was my 1st psx game that I finished with no help from anyone what so ever and gained more confidence as a gamer, it was full of wonder and always astonish you with every moment passes and never fail to do that over and over again and I might play RE3 as well.
just in case you are wondering what happened to RE1! on yes I love it! :D I have it on my trusty DS :)
my RE finished List
1- RE 1 (PSX)
2- RE 1 Director's cut (PSX)
3- RE 2 (PSX)
4- RE 2 Director's cut (PSX)
5- Bio Hazard 2 (PSX)
6- RE 3 Nemesis (PSX)
7- Bio Hazard Nemesis (PSX)
8- RE Code Veronica (Dreamcast)
9- RE Code Veronica X(PS2)
10- Bio Hazard Code Veronica (Dreamcast)
11- RE 4 (PS2)
12- RE Zero ( GamceCube )
13- RE 1 Remake ( GameCube )
14- RE 5 (PC)
15- RE Revelations (3DS)
16- RE Deadly Silence (DS)
17- RE Gaiden (GBC)
sadly didn't have the chance to play Out Break just for a bit ( I hope I will have a chance to play it )
and NO! I won't play the survivor series because I dont like RE Shooter style and it is the main reason why I HATE! the new titles from RE cause it took a whole new direction from survivor horror ( which actually Outbreak is pure one ) to a shoot em up game RE5 =_= ...am seeing also a lot of negative feedback Regarding RE6! and few positives, I still want to take a Risk and see how it is...I hope I won't be Raging over the internet Regarding it... meh.... Capcom you have done lots of horrible stuff in the past few years and you have been screwing up A LOT!
Shout out to CAPCOM : I used to be a fan of you but now you are my enemy, please do something good so we can be friends again, stop concentrating on marketing and make a true game, if you make true effort to make a true game, believe it! money will come from all direction since all your fans and ex fans loves you and your awesome titles, RE Revelations! it was awesome! you kind of got back on the track with it but more puzzles less bullets, kill us! challenges us! make us scream in agony to survive that horror you created! make a game that challenge us all mentally with awesome puzzles ( Like you did with Code Veronica ) we don't want a shooter we all want that feel of horror you once offered us from your previous titles ( from RE 1 to RE Code Veronica ) ...that is all I have to say for today
back to RE2! yay!
Started playing it with Leon and it all started to come back to me, the memories when I was 13 years old and my achievement was to finish the game and after I noticed I finished the game without using a 1st aid bottle and no save games and! under 2 hours and 30 min I decided hi what the hell! lets do the marathon to unlock everything, so today I was able to unlock the ex battle, 4th survivor and lots of weapon and also planing to get the key from Brad to unlock the extra customs.
After Unlocking the 4th survivor and playing with the awesome Hunk it seems that the Security Service Agent of Umbrella and I just want more, it brought me to the sad choice which is wanting to play Operation Raccoon City, I hate that game and if you played it you would know and if you didn't here is why:
Amazing concept designs Lovely idea and poorly poorly executed to a sad level that you can't believe that capcom would do that bad.
now you will say why are you judging it ( if you didnt notice that is or your didnt come across it )
here are my reasons:
1- poor texturing : normal maps are not done well that it kind of looks ugly
2- Animation the characters animation comparing to previous RE and modern games ( horrible )
3- Rigging : yes! I noticed that, the character Rig is so bad that made amateur riggers look good, specially the shoulder area of the character.
4- game play logic : well you have a zombie game and your mission is to go through hoards of zombies and you pick a sniper as your weapon of choice but guess what....no Head shot was coded into the game.
=_= a GAME has ZOMBIES and your mission is to DESTROY ZOMBIES! you have NO head shot? that was one of the Major WTF moment in that game that I just exited the game and uninstall it instantly from my PC.
But sadly now i wanna play with Hunk that awesome character and also the team that he is leading in Operation Raccoon City and also this character that I really like Victor, really bad ass ninja looks on him, I won't be expecting much from it I will just play it and see, but that of course after I finished RE 2 for the 4th time to unlock Tofu :D he is so damn cute! :D
Resident Evil has a special place in my heart when it comes to gaming since it was my 1st psx game that I finished with no help from anyone what so ever and gained more confidence as a gamer, it was full of wonder and always astonish you with every moment passes and never fail to do that over and over again and I might play RE3 as well.
just in case you are wondering what happened to RE1! on yes I love it! :D I have it on my trusty DS :)
my RE finished List
1- RE 1 (PSX)
2- RE 1 Director's cut (PSX)
3- RE 2 (PSX)
4- RE 2 Director's cut (PSX)
5- Bio Hazard 2 (PSX)
6- RE 3 Nemesis (PSX)
7- Bio Hazard Nemesis (PSX)
8- RE Code Veronica (Dreamcast)
9- RE Code Veronica X(PS2)
10- Bio Hazard Code Veronica (Dreamcast)
11- RE 4 (PS2)
12- RE Zero ( GamceCube )
13- RE 1 Remake ( GameCube )
14- RE 5 (PC)
15- RE Revelations (3DS)
16- RE Deadly Silence (DS)
17- RE Gaiden (GBC)
sadly didn't have the chance to play Out Break just for a bit ( I hope I will have a chance to play it )
and NO! I won't play the survivor series because I dont like RE Shooter style and it is the main reason why I HATE! the new titles from RE cause it took a whole new direction from survivor horror ( which actually Outbreak is pure one ) to a shoot em up game RE5 =_= ...am seeing also a lot of negative feedback Regarding RE6! and few positives, I still want to take a Risk and see how it is...I hope I won't be Raging over the internet Regarding it... meh.... Capcom you have done lots of horrible stuff in the past few years and you have been screwing up A LOT!
Shout out to CAPCOM : I used to be a fan of you but now you are my enemy, please do something good so we can be friends again, stop concentrating on marketing and make a true game, if you make true effort to make a true game, believe it! money will come from all direction since all your fans and ex fans loves you and your awesome titles, RE Revelations! it was awesome! you kind of got back on the track with it but more puzzles less bullets, kill us! challenges us! make us scream in agony to survive that horror you created! make a game that challenge us all mentally with awesome puzzles ( Like you did with Code Veronica ) we don't want a shooter we all want that feel of horror you once offered us from your previous titles ( from RE 1 to RE Code Veronica ) ...that is all I have to say for today
back to RE2! yay!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Gamer for Good
I worked on an artwork this morning for Gamers for Good, I hope am not late
trying to help for that cause http://www.gamersforgood.com/KKG-Artbook
Mediums ( pencil paper *Traditional* ) ( wacom intous 4 and MyPaint*digitla* )
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Construct 2
Construct 2 is really cool engine where you can build a nice 2D game without much coding ( really basic basic stuff when it comes to coding don't storm out when you read the word coding )
following a tutorial on their page I finished a shooter game within an hour maybe even less and even in the end added few of my own elements to the game it was so much fun to see graphic finally brought together in a game :D
this is the link to the game : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21508031/Shooter%20game/index.html
the graphics are not mine its just downloaded to follow the tutorial.
this is the tutorial link as well : https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/37/beginners-guide-to-construct-2/page-1
and the download page : https://www.scirra.com/store/construct-2
you can get the free version which include having 100 events ( lines of code for actions and what not )
very good to make a simple game and explore the engine before buying it and it is cheap as well.
Enjoy! :) I know I did :)
following a tutorial on their page I finished a shooter game within an hour maybe even less and even in the end added few of my own elements to the game it was so much fun to see graphic finally brought together in a game :D
this is the link to the game : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21508031/Shooter%20game/index.html
the graphics are not mine its just downloaded to follow the tutorial.
this is the tutorial link as well : https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/37/beginners-guide-to-construct-2/page-1
and the download page : https://www.scirra.com/store/construct-2
you can get the free version which include having 100 events ( lines of code for actions and what not )
very good to make a simple game and explore the engine before buying it and it is cheap as well.
Enjoy! :) I know I did :)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Crysis 3 Review ( personal opinion )
Since am a Crysis fan and played Crysis, Warhead, and Crysis2 I just could not help not playing Crysis3 which every good gamer friend warned me not to do, but am hopeless, Camo Suit with crossbow i just couldnt help it.
finished it in one day? i regret playing it why?
1- the game isnt long as the 3 previous parts where you keep asking your self if the game has an ending ( specially crysis 2 )
2- even on the hardest difficulty it doesn't offer much challenge and you can go through the game with new issues.
3- weak game play as well, Crysis 2 offered a lot of different paths in the same level to go through but this one nope it didn't and finishing the whole game with the crossbow? too overpowered that makes the player never even think of picking another weapon ( i sure didnt use any until i come across a boss fight )
4-they didnt handle the natural environment well where you find these trees in the corners and you think u can hid in them and it turn out to be a blocked texture.
I jumped behind a train when i was following pycho and i got stuck believe it or not, and a lot of open space which you see and cant go to.
5- how did I forget about the story! you see? it was to shallow that I even forgot about it, the story was very weak and meh comparing to the other crysis games which made this game look like any other commercial meh game.
My guess is that Crysis3 was made not for story telling not for game design, but for showcasing Cryengine 3
the good things about Crysis 3
the new graphics of course since they are using a new engine, the visuals of it was kind of cool.
the crossbow if it wasn't over powered it would have been cooler but still a nice weapon to experience using it in a high tech game made the game feel more like Rambow, and it felt like you are actually hunting them, but again! overpowered.
over all if you like Crysis and you just like design aspect and you are the kind of player who get wowed by graphic, play Crysis3 if not than dont expect much of it.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
bad connection and screwed up hand
HI guys
in the last few days was epic busy for me, one was trying to get my broadbad connection to the new place ( hopefully by tmrw will be done ) and my hand... my drawing hand has failed me, it turns out that i have carpal tunnel syndrome and now am wearing a splint on my wrist and this thing is technically a damn cast, the doctor said i should wearing all time for a month! a freaking month and if it is not going to work i might have to go under the knife to fix that hand... guys! if you are a digital artist, a 3D artist get ur self a proper workstation, proper mouse, mouse pad with gel wrist rest and good keyboard that makes your hand comfortable or you will screw your career.
now i got a new mouse and mouse pad and using my left hand for the mouse and also learning how to draw with the left hand but believe me guys this shit is not easy and am struggling a lot to do it.
wish me luck. stay healthy and get healthy workstation!
am out!
in the last few days was epic busy for me, one was trying to get my broadbad connection to the new place ( hopefully by tmrw will be done ) and my hand... my drawing hand has failed me, it turns out that i have carpal tunnel syndrome and now am wearing a splint on my wrist and this thing is technically a damn cast, the doctor said i should wearing all time for a month! a freaking month and if it is not going to work i might have to go under the knife to fix that hand... guys! if you are a digital artist, a 3D artist get ur self a proper workstation, proper mouse, mouse pad with gel wrist rest and good keyboard that makes your hand comfortable or you will screw your career.
now i got a new mouse and mouse pad and using my left hand for the mouse and also learning how to draw with the left hand but believe me guys this shit is not easy and am struggling a lot to do it.
wish me luck. stay healthy and get healthy workstation!
am out!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
It has been a while
Hi guys sorry for not posting much for a while and it is the cause of my wrist, few days ago my hand stopped working...again! yeah, the wrist just below the thumb muscle area hurts like hell when i grab a pencil or a cup ( the grip move is no good ) and the bone is popping out of place to a very noticeable degree and when i press it it sure damn hurts.
going through massage therapy now with a daily hot compressing and as well as wrist orth band... lets see if that will get me back on the train...
with me luck guys and you enjoy art! and stay healthy!
going through massage therapy now with a daily hot compressing and as well as wrist orth band... lets see if that will get me back on the train...
with me luck guys and you enjoy art! and stay healthy!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Steam Punk Wizard from Concept to 3D
Alright! so 2 years ago I came up with the steam punk wizards and today I guess I have the capability to bring that vision I had to reality, started with the 1st main character ( the kid ) ( possible name aquatiqo ) not sure yet.
so finished the 3D model of the character, next is unwrapping and texture
so finished the 3D model of the character, next is unwrapping and texture
Thursday, October 17, 2013
3D repair work was done
today I have done some 3D repair work on a 3D model for a client it took two hours fixing that mesh for 3D print, it was a horror to work with that mesh, but I managed and got the job done i guess
![]() |
the original mesh after a bit of tweak on the hair line since it was flat |
![]() |
the final result |
am sure it will 3D print very well since everything is properly meshed out now and no hanging parts
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
quick modeling
I have done a quick model based on a model sheet for a portrait, I think it took around an hour and half? and the texture took me a while but the result came out really good
am very happy with the result!
Update : after the eyelashes! and the eye texture! sweet! today I surprised my self!
Update 2:
after some feedback from my friend and soul brother Ali Alkhiro pushed the good result to be an awesome result
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